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New Behaviour Policy - 2024

The staff at Fritchley CofE (Aided) Primary and Nursery School have been developing our school behaviour plan.  The strategies and approaches we use in cultivating high standards of behaviour, including learning behaviour, at Fritchley CofE (Aided) Primary and Nursery School are largely based on those of the ‘Pivotal Approach’ to behaviour management. This approach focuses on building strong relationships, restorative practice, use of clear and consistent steps/systems and the importance of consistency in adult behaviour when supporting children.

Our New School Rules:

The school now has three simple rules, which are aimed at ensuring we can all work together in a supportive atmosphere, with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn and to be happy. The rules apply to all members of the school community, at all times. These rule are:

At the heart of managing behaviour effectively is a strong partnership between home and the school staff. For the vast majority of our children a gentle reminder is all that is needed. De-escalation of inappropriate behaviour by staff avoids low-level behaviours escalating and becoming more serious. When students are behaving in a way that is not appropriate, staff should use a range of strategies to support that child to get back on track.  

When poor behaviour occurs, sanctions will be applied fairly and consistently and will be appropriate to the behaviour in terms of severity and duration. We use sanctions to help children learn that their actions have consequences and to deter further poor behaviour. These sanctions are based around restorative approaches. A restorative approach involves helping people to resolve conflict by sharing how they feel, listening, empathising with others and agreeing on what needs to be done to make things right. When pupils truly understand the consequences of their behaviour towards other children or adults, it helps them to make more sensible choices in the future.  

Restorative conversations will be used to 'repair'.  Our five questions are: