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School Meals

At Fritchley CofE (Aided) Primary and Nursery School we pride ourselves on serving healthy, nutritional meals. Bernie and her team of kitchen staff work hard to make sure everyone is catered for and that the food is served on time.

All pupils in EYFS and KS1 are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals.

Years 3-6 A pupil meal costs £3.25 per day from September 2023.  School Meals should be paid for each week via the pupil's ParentPay account.

We can cater for a wide range of allergy needs as well as the varying tastes of our children.

In addition, our team of midday supervisors support the children during their lunchtime to ensure everyone has had a good lunch and a happy playtime.

If you think your child may be entitled to free school meals please visit the Derbyshire County Council website for more information and an online application form or download a paper form.  From September 2014 all children in EYFS and KS1 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.  However, Parents whose child is entitled to Free School Meals must still apply as below.

For more information about school meals in Derbyshire please visit these websites –