School is open today!


New Curriculum Launched January 2023

In the Summer term the whole school become CREATORS. All classes have an Art/DT themed project. Within the creator topics, children will have the opportunity to:

  • Identify questions to answer and problems to solve
  • Show flexibility
  • Organise time and resources
  • Communicate the learning in relevant ways
  • Work towards a goal
  • Adapt new ideas as circumstances change
  • Show empathy
Each class has a two-year rolling curriculum.
The BIG questions that the children will explore are:
What can we make with clay?
Is famous art permanent?
Do we all see the world the same?
How have the skies influenced our lives?
Lets explore colour?
Are there two sides to every story?
How are flowers portrayed in art?
Can a pot tell a story?
Knowledge Organisers - Cycle A
Knowledge Organisers - Cycle B
July Art Gallery
To celebrate the children's achievements we held an Art Gallery for the whole school and invited friends and family to come and view.  Many visited chose to buy some of the pieces of art.